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The Philippine Air Force’ (PAF) newly acquired fifth US Lockheed C-130 transport plane will arrive on Sunday at Benito Ebuen Air Base in Mactan, Cebu, AFP spokesperson Col. Antonio Francisco told reporters on Thursday.

US Lockheed C-130 transport plane left Davis-Monthan Air Base in Tucson, Arizona on Thursday morning.

The plane is expected to boost the Air Force’s capability in humanitarian assistance and disaster response, transport of troops, relief goods and equipment.

The refurbished C-130 is the second of the two planes bought from the US at P1.6 billion through the Excess Defense Articles program.
The first one arrived last April. The number of C-130 planes in the Air Force will be in total of five including the latest C-130.

Other transport planes of the Air Force are three C-295 airbus and three Fokker F-27.


PHILIPPINES TO RECEIVE C-130 FROM US ON SUNDAY Reviewed by ritche on 7:27 AM Rating: 5

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